相信[103美國直購] Microsoft Arc 鼠標 Touch Mouse - Black B009CP4PIW $1963因該很多人都聽過也滿多人有購買,但是











  • Flexible Design - Curve for comfort, flatten to pack.

  • Touch to Scroll - Click. Tap. Flick. Control.

  • BlueTrack Technology - Works on difficult surfaces?rough, glossy, or soft.

  • Perfectly Portable - Storable Nano Transceiver for wireless freedom.

  • Product Details

    Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 2.2 x 0.6 inches ; 3 ounces

    Shipping Weight: 8 ounces

    Product Description

    From the Manufacturer

    Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse

    Arc Touch Mouse

    A revolution in mouse design -The perfect companion for your mobile PC.

    Perfectly portable-and award-winning-Touch technology

    Stylish and eye-grabbing, Arc Touch Mouse is more than a pretty device. It's reliable wireless freedom plus Microsoft touch technology, on the go. Use it just about anywhere, even on a rough wood surface or carpet, thanks to BlueTrack Technology. Plus you can retain wireless control of your computer up to 30 feet away.

    Curve it for use, flatten for storage

    Arc Touch Mouse's innovative design allows for quick use and storage. Curve it comfortably to get started. Then smoothly glide your finger up or down the touch strip. When you're done, keep the tiny transceiver plugged into your computer's USB port, or attach it magnetically onto the underside of the mouse. Then flatten Arc Touch Mouse to turn it off, and slip it into your pocket or bag as easily as a cell phone.

    Precise vertical scrolling by feel, not wheel

    The Touch strip on the Arc Touch Mouse responds precisely to the speed of your finger movement, using Haptic feedback (light vibration that signals scrolling speed) to scan through documents or web pages as quickly-or as cautiously-as needed, entirely by feel.

    Key Features

    Flexible Design - Curve for comfort, flatten to pack. A perfect fit for your hand and your mobile li秒購商品festyle.

    Power On and Off - Curve to turn on. Flatten to turn off. No button to switch. A green light flashes to show the battery is working, and then turns off to save battery life.

    Touch to Scroll - Click. Tap. Flick. Control. Quickly brush up or down with your finger to flick into hyperfast vertical scrolling for smooth, intuitive navigation. Scroll slowly with a gentle swipe or quickly with a flick of the finger, then tap to stop.

    BlueTrack Technology - Take advantage of BlueTrack Technology, which combines the power of optical with the precision of laser for remarkable tracking on virtually any surface.

    Plug-and-go Nano Transceiver - Leave the Nano Transceiver (USB) plugged in when you're on the go, or stow it magnetically in the mouse.

    Product Details

    • Flatten for ultimate portability, curve to use

    • 2-way touch scrolling for smooth, intuitive navigation

    • Works on virtually any surface with BlueTrack Technology

    • 人氣
    • Touch scroll tactile feedback

    • Mini transceiver (USB)

    • Design is suitable for use with either hand




    [103美國直購] Microsoft Arc 鼠標 Touch Mouse - Black B009CP4PIW $1963 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時



    蔡總統日前接見婚姻平權正反方團體,不過一名同志團體代表Huang Vincent事後在臉書上表示,蔡總統在會談時當面告訴他,「你這一生不一定等得到同志婚姻」。總統府隨後公布與同志團體的對話紀錄,強調總統並無同志所指的發言。對此,總統府發言人黃重諺今(28)日表示,發布新聞稿那晚幕僚都不好睡,總統也打了兩次電話給他,擔心當事人傷心挫折。






    【鉅亨網李家如 綜合外電】


    《路透社》報導,商業圓桌會議執行長經濟展望指數 (預期未來六個月銷售、資本支出與就業的綜合指數) 今年第四季下降 6.6 至 67.5,不僅連續三季下滑,更創下三年來最低水準。

    受訪的 140 名執行長中,看好未來六個月銷售可望成長的比例由上季 63% 小幅滑落至 60%。反觀未來六個月將削減資本支出者,由上季 20% 提高至 27%。

    《洛杉磯時報》報導,AT&T 公司執行長、商業圓桌會議主席 Randall Stephenson 直言,銷售與投資預期滑落,反映執行長們對於美國短期經濟成長看法謹慎。尤其該調查最值得警惕的在於是資本投資預期下滑,「資本支出在當前美國經濟比例處於歷史最低點,看到資金投入預期銳減令人擔憂」


    《CNBC》報導,由於美國對企業課徵較高稅率,日前美國多家企業都透過合併海外企業,再將母公司轉往低稅率的國家,稱為稅負倒置,藉此達成避稅目的。例如藥廠巨頭輝瑞 (Pfizer) 與總部在愛爾蘭的 Allergan 合併一案,不僅成為全球最大製藥企業,預計公司稅率亦可由現行的 25% 下調至 17-18%。美國財政部也在上個月加大這類交易難度,限制所得到的預期收益,力圖讓這種熱潮降溫。



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